low calorie baked oats recipe

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By alie

Looking for some delicious low calorie oatmeal recipes? Look no further! We’ve gathered some of the best recipes out there, guaranteed to satisfy your cravings while helping you stay healthy and fit.

First up, we have a sautéed banana oatmeal recipe that is sure to become a new favorite. To make this delicious breakfast, start by cooking your oatmeal according to the package directions. While the oatmeal is cooking, slice a banana and sauté it in a pan with a bit of butter until it begins to caramelize. Once your oatmeal is done, spoon it into a bowl and top it with the sautéed bananas, along with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey. Yum!

Looking for a sweet treat that won’t ruin your healthy eating goals? Look no further than these low calorie baked oats. These tasty oats are made with just a few simple ingredients, including oatmeal, milk, egg, vanilla extract, and a touch of maple syrup. Combine all of the ingredients in a baking dish, pop it in the oven, and voila! A delicious, healthy treat that is perfect for breakfast, dessert, or anytime you need a little pick-me-up.

If you’re looking for a recipe that is both low calorie and sugar-free, give this no sugar baked oatmeal recipe a try. This recipe is made with oats, almond milk, eggs, baking powder, cinnamon, and vanilla extract. Combine all of the ingredients in a baking dish, bake it in the oven, and you’ll have a delicious and healthy breakfast that is perfect for those busy weekday mornings.

No matter which recipe you choose, these low calorie oatmeal recipes are sure to satisfy your cravings and keep you on track with your healthy eating goals. So why not give them a try today and see for yourself just how delicious healthy eating can be?

Best Low Calorie Oatmeal Recipes / Sautéed Banana Oatmeal | Recipe

Best Low Calorie Oatmeal Recipes / Sautéed Banana Oatmeal | Recipe


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